
Keep up to date with all kinds of Scrum news, insights, and thoughts with Big Agile's blog entries!

The Illusion of Control

Just this week, I was invited to speak at a large product group’s annual meeting to inspire an agile mindset to their upcoming roadmap initiatives. As part of the session...


The Past and Future of Machines Taking Over Human Jobs

The Industrial Revolution marked a profound transformation in the way humans worked. Machines took over once labor-intensive tasks, such as weaving fabrics or assembling products on factory lines. For many...


FutureFlex Is Here! Pay Now, Choose a Course Later

How agile is it that you can pay for a course now, using any leftover budget, but decide on a class to attend later? As the end of the year...

Boosting Agility Through Sustainable Technology Practices

In a fast-evolving market, agile organizations are continually challenged to maintain rapid adaptability and high-quality output. However, agility is significantly hampered when tech debt and unsustainable practices accumulate, much like...

The Power in the Absence of How

In 2010, the Scrum Guide was written to serve a specific purpose: to help people understand Scrum. This emphasis on understanding is crucial because, unlike many how-to guides that focus...

Embracing AI to Enhance Decision Making

I had the pleasure of speaking on a podcast just last week regarding AI and Product Development changes as well as other factors that will of course affect this industry...

Leaders Let Go!

It is amazing what product development teams can accomplish, especially given the technology we have now versus what we had 20 years ago. Building software or any technology products for...

Navigating the Future of Agile and Scrum

I had the pleasure of joining Brian for the 100th episode of the Agile Mentors Podcast as he dives into the future of Agile with fan favorite Scott Dunn. Listen...

Agile is Dead?

Lots of rhetoric out there about how agile is dead or people splitting hairs on what the word actually means. I know there is an industry built around it and...

Regulatory Compliance Challenges within Product Delivery

In today's global marketplace, regulatory compliance is a critical aspect of product development and delivery. Whether dealing with financial services, healthcare, technology, or consumer goods, businesses must adhere to a...

Product Management vs. Product Ownership

Every now and then you have the opportunity to work with a client that becomes a friend that becomes a partner in some industries. TJ Thinakaran is just such a...

Integration of New Technologies

I recall the days when one of our biggest challenges in building software products was serving up data from the database through to the end-user. In concert with that struggle...

Quality Control Challenges with Product Management

In an agile environment, where speed and adaptability are highly valued, maintaining high-quality standards throughout the product development process presents unique challenges to all roles; especially Product Owners. The iterative/incremental...

Challenges with Supply Chain Management

Given that most of my work is related to software products in the agile space, I was surprised when researching our Top 10 Challenges to Product Delivery, that supply chain...

Navigating the Marshaling of Resources

Gary Hamel, a renowned management expert(we blogged about him recently), has spoken out against the term "human resources" in the context of business. He argues that this terminology reflects an...

Understanding Customer Needs

In the ever-evolving world of product development, understanding what your customers truly want stands as a cornerstone for success. This crucial insight not only shapes innovative products but also ensures...

Kick-off 2024 with Self-Enrichment

As we step into the promising landscape of 2024, it's time for us professionals across various industries to embark on a journey of self-enrichment. I continually ask my mentors what...

Waterfall vs. Agile: Which is Better?

It's Christmas time here in 2023 and as such I typically spend this week making loads of sweets and treats for family and friends. It's not a labor; I love...

Corrections in Tech for 2023; It's personal!

The wave of layoffs sweeping through the tech industry isn't just a distant headline; it's hitting close to home as friends and colleagues are directly affected. It's no longer just...

Agile and Humanocracy

Working in the agile profession since July of 2008, I can say with certainty that my journey has lead me to the idea that while team practices and cohesion are...

Qualities of an Agile Development Team

When teaching our workshops, we have a great exercise at the beginning that requires our small break-out teams to discuss the observable qualities of an agile development team. Development is...

Which is Better: PMP or a Certified Scrum Master (and why)

Choosing between pursuing the Certified ScrumMaster® (CSM®) designation or the Project Management Professional (PMP) certification is a significant decision for anyone seeking to excel in project management and/or agile development...

Agile and Data Science: A Symbiotic Relationship?

Agile, with its emphasis on iterative development, collaboration, and responding to change, have become the gold standard in software development. Data science, on the other hand, is a field dedicated...

In-Person or Online Learning?

I love teaching. I love learning. I love exploring learning with others. Not only do I live the learning experiences in my own life, I help others live it as...

TRIZ: Universal Principles of Innovation

In our quest to be become great agile guides for our organization, I often find facilitation techniques as a place we could all spend more time developing. There are great...

JITJE Coaching Sessions

We are always looking for innovative ways to assist your teams and organization. We are excited to announce the ability to schedule our JITJE coaching sessions. What is JITJE? A...

Make Haste! Slowly...

Agility is a highly valued attribute in the fast-paced field of product development. Agile approaches enable teams to efficiently provide high-quality solutions while adapting to changing needs. However, in the...

Anti-patterns of the Product Owner

Welcome back! In this session, we will focus on Product Owner anti-patterns. There is no doubt that the Product Owner is a critical role in Scrum. Essentially, they are accountable...

Agile Metrics...To use or not to use?

Metrics are not always harmful in an agile team, but if not used appropriately, they can be detrimental. Agile is a value- and principle-based approach that stresses people and interactions...

What is DevOps?

In recent years, the phrase "DevOps" has become more and more common in the software development industry. It combines the roles of development and operations and symbolizes a culture and...

Copying a Scaling Technique (Spotify Example)

Spotify started its agile journey in 2011, and since then it has been implementing Scrum and Kanban practices. They have a unique way of working called “Squads, Tribes and Guilds”...

RVCE Prioritization Matrix

For product managers working in Agile/Scrum organizations, featuring and task prioritization is important for effective roadmap planning. Out of all the features you consider, prioritization helps identify the order of...

Eisenhower Decision Matrix (The 4D's)

Dwight Eisenhower was one of the greatest military minds and responsible for countless decisions during one of our world's most dire times (WWII). When I was in leadership training at...

How Getting to Small Helps Teams Get to Done

I recently visited with Brian Milner over at Mountain Goat Software to discuss some tips you might not be thinking about with Product Backlog Refinement and Team Design. Check it...

Story Mapping to Prioritize

As we continue on our series through the end of the year (the one that focuses on prioritization techniques for our Product Teams), we land on Story Mapping in this...

Priority Poker or Planning Poker

Prioritization significantly influences the development of a solid roadmap for Agile/Scrum organizations. It is a challenging and time-consuming task unless you have an easy and effective technique that helps to...

Reach-Impact-Confidence-Effort (RICE)

Welcome back (or just welcome) to our series on prioritization techniques. As I work with teams and organizations, I notice a huge component of planning missing in their endeavors; prioritization...

Prioritizing with the Kano Model

Welcome! (or welcome back!). As promised we discussing a series of topics related to prioritization techniques. This one is definitely in my top 10 when working with my clients as...

MoSCoW Prioritization

No, we aren't talking about Russia or their Capitol. We are exploring quite a few techniques that some may not be aware of when trying to prioritize the infinite list...

Organizational Design

Organizational structure is a key part of organizational design that provides mechanisms of authority and delegation to people in order to facilitate the decision-making process. When an organization transitions into...

Change Leadership Frameworks

Now more than ever, we face a hyper-competitive environment in business. It just seems to evolve every day. Keeping up with that change is vital for any organization that strives...

Product Owner Certification

Who is a Product Owner? The product owner is a key role in an agile software development project. They are responsible for defining the project vision and bringing that to...

Stakeholder Identification and Management

Bringing the right stakeholders together and effective stakeholder management are essential requirements for leading a project to success. In Agile/Scrum, how can we identify the right stakeholders and ensure we...

Coaching Competency Framework

In our Advanced Certified ScrumMaster Workshops, we spend a bit of time talking about the often "squishy" topic of coaching. Coaching can take on many forms, but I firmly believe...

What Is Your Coaching Stance?

Professional coaching is considered critical in the original whitepaper on ACI’s Agile Coach Competency Framework. It refers to the coaching stance as “the heart” of the framework. The coaching stance...

Leadership Agility and Leadership Types

Leadership is a critical factor that contributes to the success of any team. It is likely even more important in an agile environment. Leadership agility is quite simply the ability...

Value Stream Mapping

Value stream mapping (VSM) is a powerful visual planning tool. It helps you visualize the current and the ideal workflow for an item from a not-started state to a complete...

Management 3.0 in a nutshell?

Gary Hamel's talk on "The Future of Management" has had a profound affect on me as a leader as well as people that have watched the video in my advanced...

Unleash the UI/UX Power in Scrum

There is a wide perception that Design in general is just making things pretty, choosing colors and pictures. However this mostly describes the activities related to UI and does not...

Active Listening Tools for Faciliation

What is Facilitation? Facilitation is a service of assistance you provide to a group of people to make decisions and achieve goals collaboratively based on those decisions. The action of...

Non-Violent Communication

"The best way I can get understanding from another person is to give this person the understanding, too. If I want them to hear my needs and feelings, I first...

Leadership Agility and the Team

To have a productive team, you need a productive leader. Agile leadership has a large effect on the rest of the team and the organization. How the leaders deal with...

How Scrum is like American Football

Scrum really is a team sport. We don’t win the game by individual contributions. We win the game by playing well together, much like in American football. In fact, Scrum...

How To Lead Innovation Workshops

As a product owner, it’s important that you’re always leading the team through product innovation ideas or your product can quickly become stale and boring! Without true innovation, your team...

Building a Culture of Innovation

If you’re a product owner who’s working at a company that’s constantly building new products and features, but never really innovating, it’s time for a change. When we create a...

A Metrics-Driven Approach to Agile Planning

Using metrics for long-range planning is a great way to build confidence from your stakeholders that your team will deliver. Metrics and data bring a lot more merit to the...

Plan Your Wedding with Scrum

So many people think that Scrum is an IT-thing, but Scrum is such a flexible framework for managing complex products and projects that it can be applied just about anywhere...

The Chief Outcome Officer?

I believe the Chief Operating Officer title should be changed to Chief Outcome Officer. I once worked with a COO (let's call him Ethan). Our organization had well over 5...

Does Scrum really work in marketing?

I’ve had a lot of marketers ask me, “Does Scrum really work in marketing?” Yes, it absolutely does! There are many myths of what Scrum is and isn’t, and I...

The Certified ScrumMaster® Exam

You’ve started on your way to becoming a Certified ScrumMaster®. You’ve taken all the required courses and now are faced with the Certified ScrumMaster® exam. If you are like the...

Working with Uncertainty (it's our business)

We understand uncertainty. It is our business to help your business achieve results in uncertain times. That is the point of agility. Trying to go faster or achieve better results...

COVID-19 Update

Updated April 1, 2020 7:44AM CT To Our Valued Clients, The top priority at Big Agile is the safety and the well-being of our clients and team members. We also...

Partners and Mentors

Do you have a mentor? They are truly important if you ever wish to grow and learn in your field. I remember back in May of 2014, I created my...

Let's Go to the Groan Zone

Does your team want to improve? I mean, like really improve? Far too often we give "tuning and adjusting continually" lip service in the agile world. I am referring to...

Embracing Emergent Work

As I practice Scrum and tackle issues in Scrum Teams/Organizations, one common theme "emerges". Emergent is one of those funny words that gets thrown around quite a bit in the...

Organizational Rhythm

Rhythm...let's define that word really quick before we move on: a strong, regular, repeated pattern of movement or sound In music, that rhythm is the foundational cadence that allows multiple...

So you want to do Scrum?

What do you truly want? I have spent a career helping organizations go from whatever process they are doing to wanting to be more agile. The request typically starts with...

We are agile, we can't provide dates...

Throughout my journey of helping teams deliver great products, one common theme tends to stand out (especially for larger organizations). That theme is that an agile process can't provide long...

Stop Starting and Start Finishing

Ever run in a race or participated in a track meet? No matter how far the distance, when you cross the finish line, you’re done. It’s easy to understand and...

Cross-Functional AND Self-Organized

Back in elementary school when everyone was out at recess (do they even have that anymore?), Red Rover was a classic game. Red rover, red rover, send Samantha right over...

Requirements in Scrum

Let's be honest. Most teams struggle with how to get requirements into their new "agile" process. Take Scrum for instance. Scrum says you start with what is called a Product...

Drive Fast in the Fog

Many organizations today simply embrace agility because they "think" it will make them go faster, thus beating their competition. If done under the correct values and principles of agile; it...

The Sprint's Locked?

When I am teaching / coaching teams on the use of Scrum, many of them ask about how to handle escaped defects, product support items, etc...You know, the "unplanned stuff"...

Organizational ADD

We all have most likely heard the term; Attention Deficit Disorder (or formally known as Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder). ADD or ADHD are the short phrases we use to...

Quick and Easy

I have one of the best jobs in the world. I enjoy what I do and I get to help other people succeed. The challenging part of the work that...

Metrics Drive Behavior...Right?

From the beginning of our existence, we have been surrounded by various forms of leadership. Whether the leadership was good or bad, that is a different question. We can agree...

Is Your Kitchen Clean?

I work with a lot of Scrum Teams and there are always some common things between the teams I work with and then some things that are drastically different. What...

Building Your Agile Muscle

Does your team have a definition of done (the list of valuable activities that assert quality in your product)? In the dictionary, the term done means: “Having been carried out...

Why Agile Teams Often Don't Thrive

On TUE May 19, we hosted Ron Jeffries (yes the guy who has been building software longer than you have been alive) at DFW Scrum. Ron is a frequent visitor...

Review Your Sprint Review

Imagine yourself a stakeholder in an organization that is adopting agile practices for software delivery. The teams have chosen Scrum as their agile management process. As part of this new...

Core Scrum Roles

Just like the US Government has 3 branches (Judicial, Executive, and Legislative Branches), Scrum has 3 roles. Many people compare the counter-balance of each roles in Scrum to that of...

Budget Your Backlog

We are all familiar with the concepts of budgets right? Spend less money than you make, eat less calories than you burn, etc...Why is it so difficult to actually do...

"Tracking" to Done in Scrum

There are many analogies in use today to help teams understand the "delivering incrementally" part of agile processes. At the core, we struggle to take our silo'd views of software...

The Agile Transformation

Many companies are trying to radically shift and adopt agile principles in their development efforts. In larger companies, the challenge can be great. Especially when working with people. People are...

The Role of a Project Manager in Scrum

We had a great turnout at DFW Scrum last TUE for "The Role of the Project Manager in Scrum". Many organizations struggle with what to do with the Project Manager...

The Flat Tire

In regards to Scrum, many people struggle to wrap their heads around the process. While it is a fairly simple framework with very little rules and prescription, it is very...

When "Agile" Means "Undisciplined"

Has anyone ever asked your team what development processes they use to get work done? Has anyone on your team ever said "We do Agile". Many people have written on...

Certificate of Occupancy

Have you ever been in your building and noticed a “Certificate of Occupancy”? These gems enforce a safe occupancy number that are built around fire codes. How many people could...